Los 4272
SERBIA. Stefan Uros IV Dusan, as Tsar, 1345-1355. Gros (Silver, 18 mm, 0.67 g, 8 h). Stefan Uroš IV standing facing on the left, holding scepter that ends with three pellets in his right hand, and Jelena standing facing on the right, holding scepter that ends with three pellets in her left hand; both holding between them long patriarchal cross; around, blundered legend. Rev. Christ, nimbate, standing facing in mandorla with four stars to the right and four trefoils on the left, raising his right hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels in his left; in field to left, IC; in field to right, XC; in field, countermark. Jovanovic, 11-23 var. (variety with stars and trefoils flanking Christ). Holed, otherwise, about very fine.

Stefan Uroš IV married Jelena of Bulgaria, the daughter of the Bulgarian magnate Sratsimir Kran, in April of 1332 as part of a peace agreement between Serbia and Bulgaria.
25 CHF
80 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 16-Jul-24, 17:36:30 CEST
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